Bioresonance helps the body to regulate itself and restore its energy balance. By applying specific frequencies and vibrations, the body's self-healing power is stimulated and blockages can be released. This can have a positive effect on various complaints and illnesses. Bioresonance therapists use this method to analyze the body's own vibration pattern and identify imbalances. Targeted measures are then taken to bring the body's energy system back into balance.
The success of the therapy is in turn measured using the
EAV tests checked.
Bioresonance itself is a biophysical process in which very weak energy fields are used to transfer information in order to address the immune system in a targeted manner. Physiological processes in the organism are regulated, i.e. excessive reactions are dampened and weakened ones stimulated. Natural regeneration processes can then take place again unhindered.
In my practice I work with the Akuport tower (Akuport M1+/MT/MR2) combined with the Akuport D-tec from the company
Kindling which stands for the highest quality.