Electro-acupuncture can be used to test for intolerances, allergies, nutritional supplements and therapeutic recommendations.
Electro-acupuncture is based on traditional Chinese medicine and uses the subtle energy currents in the body to release blockages and restore energy balance. By detecting disturbances in the energy flow, targeted measures can be taken to improve the patient's health.
In addition, electro-acupuncture can also be used for pain therapy, stress reduction and regulation of the immune system. It is a gentle and non-invasive method that many people find effective and pleasant. effective and pleasant.
Electroacupuncture according to Dr. Voll (EAV for short) uses an electrical measuring device - in my practice I use the Akuport M2 or Akuport M1+ from the company Kindling - pathogenic stress is measured at acupuncture points on the body.
The method combines the teachings of Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM), anatomy, physiology, pathology and homeopathy & isopathy. Using state-of-the-art technology, pathogenic stresses are measured and balanced at acupuncture points on the body.
Procedure and diagnostics of an application
Wide range of applications
Food intolerances
Vaccination rejection
Hormonal disorders
Autoimmune diseases
Digestive and stomach problems
Chronic infections
Age-related complaints
Diseases of the respiratory tract
Skin diseases
Sleep disorders
Joint pain
Arthrosis / Arthritis
Bioresonance in combination with electro-acupuncture has proven to be the optimal therapy method.
Heart rate variability (HRV)
HRV measurement is also available in my practice as an additional diagnostic method